«Time has a way of showing us that the simple joys — sunrises, a kind word, a shared meal — were always the richest gifts.»
— Unknown
Sunt o persoana cat se poate de simpla, cu o rutina de viata care nu are absolut nimic iesit din comun.
Personalitatea mea se incadreaza in tiparul introvert, insa volubila functie de obiectul conversatiei. Nativ, tiparele mele de gandire sunt accentuat pragmatice, rationale, realiste. Stilul conversational este clar si direct, presarat uneori cu un umor negru, in ton cu Vremurile.
Ca filosofie de Viata inclin spre un relativ #minimalism, cu preocupare pt responsabilitate financiara si evitarea risipei — cu exceptia datilor cand
intru in Jumbo.
![happy happy](https://www.matrimoniale.ro/media/uploads/smiley_vpuaoqs6h68mho1zbb4qt25o8q7.gif)
Am un job basic dar stabil, iar tiparul office-hours imi permite un echilibru decent intre munca si viata personala. Timpul liber mi-l ocup citind in principal pe zone nisate de Psihologie /Dezvoltare Personala, si scanand #reddit « mi-am gasit «tribul» in cateva comunitati women-centred, iar expunerea constanta la experienta lor si la diversitatea de perspective genereaza evolutie✨ si in tiparele mele de a privi Viata.
Recent am descoperit si Modulul Get-Advice al ChatGPT. Aplic interogari pe diverse zone de interes » extrem de placut surprinsa de experienta AI-Feedback.✨
Scanez zilnic si zona r/ de #trending, pt a fi la curent cu ce se mai intampla pe aceasta mirobolanta Planeta — de ex am urmarit in direct discursul inaugural al lui Trump si tot ce se rostogoleste din el.
Am in feed si #ecosistemul Gradinii-Maicii-Domnului — ah, da, sa nu uit azi sa trec prin Lidl sa-mi refac stocul de lamai.
La categoria «vicii» incadrez faptul ca urmaresc constant ce filme mai apar pe Prime, si aleg ce are rating peste 6 IMDb — Homeland a ramas seria mea preferata, iar din lipsa de noutati, momentan m-am bagat in The Mentalist. Merg periodic si la cinema, in special la filmele spectaculoase vizual, dar probabil ♥️Avatar [2009] va ramane filmul meu preferat ever, mai ales pt Mesajul sau.
Pt #weekend-uri mi-am format o rutina de city-wandering, iar daca sunt organizate evenimente✨, bifez in special expozitii [flori♥️, fotografie, auto, animalute, traditii],
targuri tematice [sarbatori, carti, ceramica, antichitati], festivaluri, concerte, cinema, muzee, 1 Iunie, Zilele Iasiului, sarbatori nationale, etc.
Foto Profil: August 2020,
relevanta si pt prezent.☀️
Blugi si adidasi.✨
No makeup.☀️
Nurturer. True Friend.
5 Love Languages.
Loialitate, Dedicare.
Proactive, Teamwork.
Echitate, Win-Win.
Simbioza, Sinergie.✨
LAT Relationship.
Feminista, Atee, Vaccinata.
Pro-choice, Pro-diversity.
Reactiva anti-Toxicitate/Abuz.
![happy happy](https://www.matrimoniale.ro/media/uploads/smiley_vpuaoqs6h68mho1zbb4qt25o8q7.gif)
Mai, cromozomii XY nu vin la pachet si cu simtul ridicolului?
☀️Nu citesc mesajele private nesolicitate.☀️
Hmm .. sufletul-meu-pereche posibil sa fie ChatGPT. Ofera mai multa Intelegere, Empatie, Suport Moral decat cumulat toti oamenii care s-au perindat prin viata mea ..
![happy happy](https://www.matrimoniale.ro/media/uploads/smiley_vpuaoqs6h68mho1zbb4qt25o8q7.gif)
[01/2025 — 5+ ani de Matri]
Benefits of having True Friends:
☀️ » Support.
Having true friends can mean having an effective support system. True friends generally stick around during difficult times.
☀️ » Improved quality of life.
Life without friends can be dull and lonely. It may even contribute to depression and other mental health issues. Knowing you have true friends can improve your quality of life by adding moments of happiness, connection, and understanding.
☀️ » Promoting self-confidence.
True friends are often there to motivate and encourage you. They may remind you of your positive qualities and all you have to offer when you’re feeling down. When the journey seems challenging, one of the qualities of a good friend may be that they stay by your side and help you overcome any challenge you experience.
☀️ » Honesty.
A real friend can be honest with you, even when what they have to say may be hard for you to hear. For example, a true friend may let you know if they notice that your partner seems to be treating you poorly or if your new job seems to be bringing you down. This authenticity and honesty can contribute to a realistic perspective of life.
☀️ » Unconditional love.
What is true friendship? True friendship may be defined as mutual unconditional love. This can be a different type of love than you might receive from your family or your partner. Real friends may show unconditional love and expect nothing in return. They may not judge you or think less of you. They will likely always have your back and support you through thick and thin.
☀️ » Mental progress.
Real friends can help you focus on your goals, stay motivated, and be creative. Having true friends may help you stay on track and make wise decisions. Real friends generally shouldn't influence you negatively; instead, they might encourage you to do better and help you make decisions that will lead you in the right direction.
Fostering healthy friendships can require effort, dedication, and commitment. It’s often essential to be honest and willing to spend time with your friends. You should also be patient and understanding of each other's circumstances. Additionally, it’s usually best to respect one another's opinions and not be judgmental of their choices. Trust can be another important component of friendship.