poza Antonius


Sunt un tip care stie ce vrea de la o fata si de la viata. Stuatie financiara excelenta ( pt materialiste ), dar si romantic (pt cele carea viseaza printi pe cai albi)
poza DutchLionFrans


Den Helder,
Hi! Nice you are seriously looking for your love. Love always has the risk that the object of our love hurts us the most. But on the other hand the rewards are too great, and worth the risk, don't you think? Jesus Christ thought so when He suffered and died for us at the cross!

If you do not think I am too old for you, feel free to write me. I speak some Romanian. I have friends in Romania, but not yet that woman that I can share my life with.

Frans, Netherlands > feel free to come and visit me. I invite you! My Skype handle is dutchlionfrans. Let's talk there. In Romanian is no problem!

Seek salvation by the Lord Jesus Christ, Gods only begotten Son, Savior & Lord, with ALL your heart! UNLESS you are born of God, you are not a child of God and can not enter the Kingdom of God! (John 1:12; 13; John 3; 4:16; Acts 2:38; 4:12; 2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15)

Jesus Christ says in John 3:36: "Whosoever believes in the Son of God has eternal life; whosoever does not obey the Son of God shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him."

God warns Christians: Matth.5:13; 7:21-23; James 4:4; 1 John 2: 15-17; Rev. 3:16; 21:8.

I will sing for you! And make love with you the very best you can imagine. I had plenty of time to learn it - theoria... mmm...dar...dar... Dó watch the video's of my recent performance as bariton-singer: https://****.youtube.com/watch?v =DWlxxYArpgM&list=UUkNGLM5TEoJ8B EpB5rsS84g and: https://****.youtube.com/watch?v =mi02WYo2_Kk&list=UUkNGLM5TEoJ8B EpB5rsS84g

My Facebook is: https://****.facebook.com/dutchl ionfrans.zegers

Eu sunt un om neobişnuit. Dumnezeu ma obligat să aştept să mă găsească femeia potrivita sa fii sotia mea 40 de ani deja! Desigur nu eram fara femei şi eu nu sunt un virgin. Ştiu cum pentru a satisface femeile mult mai bine atunci majoritatea bărbaţilor. Pentru ca imi ia tot ceea ce fac în serios şi cu pasiune! Îmi place să sărute şi să facă dragoste! Dar am avut de a nega-mă că nu fi căsătorit. Dar Dumnezeu nu să-mi găsi şi se căsătorească cu o femeie care ar putea fi într-adevăr în timp ce alte jumătate meu. " El a promis ei la mine din 1991.

Respingere este un semn de un profet! Acest lucru explică de ce Dumnezeu a trebuit să aştepte atât de mult timp să-mi aducă soţia mea. Dumnezeu are un plan cu viaţa mea şi-mi permite să se căsătorească cu o femeie care l-ar sabotaj. Vorbesc limba romana un pic. Găsirea unei femei creştine, născut din nou şi a umplut cu Duhul Sfânt şi vorbirea în limbi, care doreşte să trăiască şi ministrul pentru Dumnezeu şi poporul său nu este uşor. D-u ia o lungă perioadă de timp să se pregătească ea din cauza lui apel în viaţa noastră împreună. El trebuie să aibă un plan foarte special pentru noi! Uita-te la videoclipurile mele: https://****.youtube.com/watch?v =CFjV9ND8_nI

I am an unusual man - God forced me to wait to let me find the suitable woman to be my wife 40 years already! Of course I was not without women and I am not a virgin. I know how to satisfy women far better then most men. Because I take everything I do seriously and with passion! I love to kiss and make love! But I had to deny myself because of not being married. But God never let me find and marry the woman who really could be 'my other half.' He promised her to me since 1991.

Rejection is a sign of a prophet ! This explains why God had to wait so long to bring me my wife. God has a plan with my life and does not allow me to marry a woman who would sabotage it. I speak a little Romanian because I am often in Romania. Women there are plenty, but finding a Christian woman, born again and filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues, who desires to live and minister to God and His people is not easy. God takes a long time to prepare her because of His call on our lives together. He must have a very special plan for us! Watch my video's. Also the video of my recent prophetic ministery to a young minister in the village Dalboki, near Stara Zagora, in Bulgaria: http://****.youtube.com/watch?v= CFjV9ND8_nI&feature=c4-overview& list=UUkNGLM5TEoJ8BEpB5rsS84g