O, te cunosc si tu ma stii,
Desi n-am mers acelasi drum,
Ne intalnim abia acum
Dar ne iubim de vesnicii...
Dupa momentul cultural, sa consemnam defectele: bun, onest, rational, responsabil, altruist, demn, direct, ingaduitor, optimist, protector, ferm, perseverent, creativ, empatic, fidel, romantic, delicat, original, carismatic, usor de iubit...
Vorba Simonei Halep, pana maine-o tin asa! Calitatile? Intr-o editie viitoare.
Pt. majoritatea oamenilor, dragostea e doar o nevoie imperioasa, de satisfacerea careia sunt legate niste placeri vii, dar trecatoare si care e sortita sa moara. Pt. putini oameni insa, ea reprezinta o lume ideala, plina de sentimente nobile, de poezie, de senzatii spirituale, de devotamente, de flori morale, de armonie si situata cu mult deasupra grosolaniilor vulgare.
Living by your wants will never make you happy. Because when you get what you want, you don’t want it anymore. What it means, to be fully human is to strive to live by ideas and ideals and not to measure your life by what you've attained in terms of your desires, but those small moments of integrity, compassion, rationality, even self-sacrifice. Because in the end... the only way that we can measure the significance of our own lives is by valuing the lives of others.